Tuesday, September 30, 2008

EEEEEKKKKK - it's happened. Look out world, I am now a blogger. I am still a bit nervous, I consider myself fairly anti-nerd and this somewhat crosses over into "nerd territory" (thats what I keep telling my husband anyway) but what can I say? Its a moving world and you either need to keep up or get out of the way. So here I am. I am excited about learning how to do some of this stuff, especially as I would love to be able to understand things that are considered reasonably normal at the moment, such as downloading photos and songs and stuff. I am sure I can figure it out, guess this will be proof now wont it?? Wish me luck :)

1 comment:

Katie D said...

Well I am so happy to see that you have joined the Blogging world and are part of the Webolution team YEAH! Now that you have checked out Flickr I think that you should upgrade your plates to P's.