Sunday, October 5, 2008

My friend Flickr

My initial thoughts on flickr...hmmm. I love it!!! I guess on a personal level I am somewhat put off considering putting my own pictures on it, as all of those photos are so great and clever and I can assure you my happy snaps never look anything like that, but I love the idea of having this space that people can post there pictures and share them. I personally am always facinated by what people define and share as "special pictures" and comparing them all in that sense. There were some that just cracked me up, some that had more editing and special effects than Michael Jackson has had surgeries and some that I am not sure what the point was but I still liked them. The diversity of subject was also great and people had done amazing things with the most unlikely items to produce great shots. There was one picture with a baby toy that I got totally inspired to take shots of all my childs fisher price gear when I got home. The photo I picked (when you see it - pardon the pun) appealed to me as it seemed very natural and had that "kids do the darnest things" feel to it. But I could have chosen many others. I hope my link to it worked but if not click in the red cross box and it should connect you to the photo.

1 comment:

Next year in Jerusalem said...

I thought that you were going to be writing about a horse. My Friend Flicker, or is that before your time